10 Декабрь 2020 | | 1935

Регистрация на данное мероприятие завершена

Dear colleagues,                      

The new reality changed the concept of medical education. We adapted the schedule and the outlook of the 7th Slovenian Pneumology Congress joined with Allergy and Immunology congress which will be organized as a web based event. The main aim of the Congress is to virtually bring together respiratory and immunology medical doctors, nurses, researchers from the region and offer an opportunity to present the results of scientific and clinical work.

You are kindly invited to attend the congress and participate actively by submitting abstracts for poster and oral communications.

Congress language: English

There is no congress fee

Abstract submission deadline: November 25, 2020.

Deadline for registration: December 8, 2020.


Call for Abstracts

The Organizing Committee welcomes the submission of original contributions for short oral presentations and posters at the Congress.

Abstracts must be written in English. Maximum length is 2500 characters (approx. 350 words)

Abstract should be structured as follows: a brief statement of the purpose of the study (background), the method used, the result observed, and the conclusions based upon the results. It is inadequate to state “The results will be discussed” or “The data will be presented”.

The authors’ academic degrees, e-mail, residence and grant support should also be included in the abstract.

Accepted abstracts selected by expert reviewers will be presented as oral or poster presentations.

It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.


Abstracts should be sent via congress webpage or to Mitja.kosnik@klinika-golnik.si


Contact person for all information regarding the program and registration:

Mrs Irena Dolhar

E: irena.dolhar@siol.net

W: http://www.szd.si/7-slovenski-pnevmoloski-alergoloski-in-imunoloski-kongres/